1. Policy Proposal Name: Multiple Discrete Networks for proposal 103
2. Proposal Originator
    1. name: William Herrin
    2. email: bill@herrin.us
    3. telephone:
    4. organization: Self
3. Proposal Version: 1.0
4. Date: 11/2009
5. Proposal type: new
6. Policy term: permanent.
7. Policy statement:

Add NRPM section 6.5.10 as follows:

6.5.10 Allocations for Multiple Discrete Networks Notwithstanding section 6.5.9, ARIN shall allocate IPv6 address blocks to an organization's second and subsequent networks where justified by section 6.11 (Multiple Discrete Networks). ARIN shall allocate IPv6 address blocks to an organization's second and subsequent discrete networks in exactly and only the following prefix lengths: /40, /32. ARIN shall manage the allocation pools such that the pool identity serves to classify whether or not an allocation is for a second or subsequent discrete network regardless of whether it is single or multihomed.


8. Rationale:

This updates proposal 103 to support Multiple Discrete Networks as pending in proposal 2009-5. Offered in parallel so we can debate exactly how to integrate MDN's without tying up 103 itself.

9. Timetable for implementation: concurrent with proposal 103.